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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:57 pm
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I happened to come across an email yesterday that called my attention. It seems that the investment email scams are back again.
For those of you who may not be familiar with these scams, they are basic emails proposing you help someone by either investing in business or opportunity. Many of these emails have a high dollar value to entice people to email back.
You can read more about popular scams from list.
The email
The email was sent to my blog email account. Overall it’s pretty straight forward.
![email investment scam email screenshot](
Email text
This email was sent from greggwilliam08 via a yahoo account I also noticed the reply email is sent to Gregg William greggwillam07 via Gmail.
How are you doing today? long time, hope your still using this email.
I am Mr. Gregg William from Alert Security Firm London, I am representing an investor from with the mandate to help find a dependable international trustee to channel the investment fund of USD $50 Million into 10 years profitable project that will target a reasonable return on investment (ROI) With a strong plan to compensate your assistance.
This plan will also give you full authority to handle the investment. 10% from the total investment amount has been allocated for compensation.
kindly let me know if you are interested to proceed and what area of investment you would recommend.
Regards, Gregg William.Alert Security Company.
Red Flags
What I noticed instantly was that it was sent from a general email account. Remember most companies have their own email addresses that end in When you get an email out of the blue from a Yahoo or other free email address always be alert. What also got me is that the reply email address is from Gmail. So that’s a big red flag.
The large sum of money in this case $50 Million USD would be a big tip-off as well. No one is going to give you a large sum of money for no reason. Also the term channel the investment fund sticks out to me.
That means all the responsibility (Or fault) Is on you if this goes wrong you would have to answer for the outcome. If you opted to join this idea.
What also got me was the name change. In the opening line the sender, Gregg William states they are working with Alert Security Firm London but the email ending just lists it as Alert Security Company.
What I found when searching
So I found that the website listed in the email is a real company. It seems to be based in France. As for Alert Security, that’s a different story. I found one US-based company but when I looked at the site they provided various security options for events, personal or businesses. So basically they were a firm that dealt with security at venus, parties things like that. Nothing that was investment or banking related.
What you can do
You can report these emails as phishing if it ends up in your inbox. You can delete it as well. Besides that just be smart and don’t reply back to these types of emails. You never know what you may get yourself into. The high dollar value may be enticing but don’t risk your savings or other info on these scammers.