3 black and white kittens. The kittens are around 5 weeks old.

an update on the Spicy Kittens and Sally

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 10:58 am

I thought I’d give you all an update on the Spicy Kittnes and Sally.

If you follow us on social media I shared about the three kittens Stache had a few weeks back in early April. At that time they were a few weeks old. I was able to give them pets and try to socialize with them.

At that time I was able to determine that her litter was one male and two females. Stache had lost a lone Calico kitten because I found her and buried her when we went to check on her litter. So she had a total of 4 originally.

Here’s the update

A little after I took that video the third kitten passed she was the one of the far left. I don’t know what caused her passing but it could have been a head injury due to fright. Or maybe she got caught between some male cats that were fighting. I don’t know. I just know I buried her. So now Stache’s litter was two.

I have a feeling this is what happened to her previous litter which is only Jack and his sister Willie.

So it looks like we have another brother and sister pair.

My mom named them Leo and Cleo. I think Leo has a bit of a fox face. Cleo is very playful. Leo is coming around but I play with them daily in hopes to get closer to them. This way we can get them ready to go in to be spayed and neutered. Also to get their vaccinations.

Leo inherited Stache’s trademark mustache. It looks lopsided but if it stays he will look like someone took a paintbrush to his top lip.

Stache 2022. A black and white cat.
Stache 2022. A black and white cat.

Cleo is starting to let me give her pets while we play. She will also follow me around when I’m outside. She and Leo as well as Stache come inside but only for a few minutes at a time.

An update on Sally

Sally is still here. I don’t think she will be going back home anytime soon. She’s starting to become a bit more accepting of my cats. They are also trying to befriend her too.

The Sally dilemma

She is caring for Leo and Cleo as if they were her own kittens.

She spends her time playing or watching Cleo and Leo. She also enjoys playing and being petted.

So I guess she’s ours now. I guess whoever was feeding and caring for her doesn’t seem to miss her.

All in all, she has fun with the kittens.

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