Scam email alert banner. Red Scam Email Alert text overlaid on a blue envelop icon.

A new email scam featuring Youtube

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:54 am

For the last two days, I’ve been sent two very odd and rather suspicious emails. They are direct and sent from a generic or auto-generated email address from an email marketing service.

Being that the content was a bit suspicious I thought I’d share it with all you readers.

Before I begin

Before I begin I’d like to say that the tasks or jobs that the email is offering may be valid but they aren’t sent out to random folks. I also don’t think they pay you hundreds of dollars for the tasks that the emails request as well. I may be wrong but that’s just my opinion.

Now back to the topic at hand.

The first email

The first email caught my eye because it was in my spam folder and it was so generic it had to be automated. The email was sent to my Reviews and Savings Pal blog email address. The email was from a generic address and had a CC to a Gmail account. The text is very generic as well. The sender doesn’t name who is requesting the YouTube video editor/uploader task.

The text

He’ll pay 950 bucks a week if you’ll work for him.
Hi,Some travel vloggers on YouTube are looking for ordinary YouTube users from your COUNTRY to manage posting videos on their YouTube channels.I thought you might be interested in it so I’ve added your name to the applicants list.Β Here, you’ll be provided with premade content and you just have to upload it on their YouTube channel.Β If you have internet access, a laptop or smartphone, and 10-12 hours of free time per week, then you’re already qualified for this job.Just hit this blue line and confirm your application.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Looking out for you,Β To Your SuccessTo unsubscribe from this list, please use this link: MOTIVE
2186 Rosemont Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801 FL 32801
United States
A screenshot of an email offering a YouTube video editor job.
A screenshot of an email offering a YouTube video editor job.

From what I could tell the email was offering or requesting if you’d like to become a travel vlogger’s video editor and upload their videos to YouTube for them.

Again there are real positions out there that do earn folks money doing this. But I doubt they pay you $950 a week.

I just did a quick Google search and most YouTube video editors can charge from $75 to $150 an hour. So if this claims it’s going to take you 10 to 12 hours you do the math.

The second email

This email was similar to the first one it also mentioned YouTube. But it requests a different task.

Hi,Wanna make 840 bucks per week just by commenting on YouTube videos?

Yes? : )Then, apply forΒ today’s job of the day.Β We’re currently working with an educational startup that has a youtube channel.Β And those people need some helping hands to handle it as they get numerous comments daily, from their students, asking doubts and questions. And they can’t handle it by themselves.Β And that’s why they’re hiring 3 ordinary people from your COUNTRY to answer those comments on behalf of them.Don’t worry, they’ll provide you with a complete solution script containing all the answers to those questions.Β You just have to copy and paste those answers while replying to their comments.Β That’s it.Β And the best thing is that you don’t need anything more than a reliable internet connection and a smartphone.Β Hit this blue line to apply.

All the best.Chad

P.S.Β You just need to be quick because they’re hiring only 3 people and we’ve already started getting a lot of applications for it.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
To unsubscribe from this list, please use this link: MOTIVE
2186 Rosemont Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801 FL 32801
United States
screenshot of an email offering a job for commenting on YouTube videos.
screenshot of an email offering a job for commenting on YouTube videos.

This email was at least sent from someone named Chad.

The job itself sounds shady. Why would someone hire you just to copy and paste comment replies for comments? Yes, I know many people bring folks on board to their YouTube teams to handle day-to-day interactions because they may not be able to answer everything themselves. But it still makes me wonder.

I also find it odd that the emails never list the actual country. They use text such as YOUR COUNTRY. This email even went as far as adding that this channel would hire 3 ordinary people for the job.

Get Motive info

I couldn’t find anything about the Get Motive company. When I did a Google search I found a few fitness-related businesses with similar names but not this exact one. When I Googled the street address listed I also came up with nothing.

The Street Rosemont Ave is located in Orlando but the Zip code is incorrect and the street number also seems to not exist.

Here’s another thing i found

when I copied the active text link URL and searched for it. I was directed to a website named This site looks like it’s clickbait in a way. According to a disclaimer at the bottom of the page, they are part of or use ClickBank which is an affiliate website.

It looks like this site is a job site for social media jobs or work from home jobs. If you are interested in checking out the site I suggest you do your own research. But I have a feeling it’s a lot of spam.

Here’s a link to Trust Pilot about the website.

Just beware

I thought I’d share to beware of these emails because it sounds like a great way to earn quick money. But it’s too good to be true.

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