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Noted by Post-It Product info

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:58 am

I recently was able to select two items from Discover 3M community (this is closed to new users). So i selected two products from Post-it.

I selected a 2 pack of orange folio folders and tabbed notes.

Both of these items can be found at Post-it or Target (where available.)

You can view the full line of Noted by Post-it by visiting the link below

The folio’s retail for around $6 (prices may vary). They are also sold in a few other colors.

The tabbed notes retail for around $6 (price may vary) They too are sold in a few different colors.

These notes have 3 tabs. ASAP, Tomorrow, and Later.

Thanks to Discover 3M and Post-It for these complimentary products.

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