DIY intention jar header. image created using Photoshop cs4

DIY: INtention Jar

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:34 pm

This idea struck me recently to start an intention(s) jar. Granted you can name it what you like and I’ll offer some alternative ideas towards the end of the post. But for now, I’ll call it an intention jar.

This project doesn’t have to cost you anything if you have the supplies at home. It may even be cheaper if your purchase items at the dollar store as well. I’ll give some examples of products you can use below. But if the project is free it’s even better right.

Let’s face it we all have extra jars laying around that we may not know what to do with. So I figured this would be a fun thing to try.

empty skincare jars glss and plastic. clear, solid plastic or dark blue.

What you’ll need

  • A jar (with or without a lid)
    If you don’t have one you can also use a glass, an old cereal bowl, an old candle holder if it’s deep enough, a plastic jar, a ceramic or glass dish. Basically, anything that you have that’s deep.
  • decorating supplies: example glass stones, paint pens, stencils, stickers, washi tape
  • paper
  • pen or marker (any color)
glassware for intention jars. small skincare jars , cups or candel holders, glass dish.
glassware for intention jars. small skincare jars, cups or candle holders, glass dish.

Once you’ve selected your jar

Once you’ve selected your jar you can decorate it if you like. I added some glass stones to various glass containers so you could see what they would look like.

  • glass stones added to glassware. mason jar, cups, glass dish. green and blue glassstones.
  • top view of glass stones in glass dish. Stones are blue and iridescent.
  • top view of glass stones in jar. green glass stones.
  • top view glass tones in glass. glass stones are blue.

As I mentioned before you can decorate it with glass stones or label your jar with paint pens. You can also use washi tape or add stickers to it.

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It’s your creation so you can add what you like to add your own personal touch to it.

I had a lot of glass stones so I thought they would make a nice accent to the jar or dish.

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Write down your intention

Once your done decorating your jar (if you choose to do so) you can write down your intention. Since It’s your intention it can be whatever you are asking for.

For example if you are wanting to pay down debt. Pay off your car or find love. It’s up to you.

Again you can use a pen or marker of any color. The paper can be any size as well. Just remember you will need to fold your paper up so make sure it’s a decent size.

Then you fold up your paper. You can fold it as small or as large as you like. It will depend on the size of your jar.

You can have one intention per slip of paper or you can have many one one paper. It’s up to you. You can also have more then one jar as well. Again it’s up to you.

Place your intention in the jar

You can place your intention in the jar. If it has a lid you can screw it on. If not just add your folded intention into your jar.

If you are religious you can say a little prayer over it asking for your intention to be granted.

If you aren’t religious you can create your own saying.

For instance you can say:

Universe please help me achieve my intention…….

You can add anything else you’d like.

add an act of kindness to your intention saying

If you’d like you can also add an act of kindness when your intention is reached. It can be something as simple as helping a person in need or donating to a charity you like. That’s if you’d like to add that to your intention saying.

Again it’s up to you what you’d like to say. Let’s face it we all know ourselves and how well we can keep a promise.

Once you’re done you can place your jar or container where you can see it. Every time you see your intention jar you can quietly say your prayer or saying. You can speak it out loud or just think about it. It’s up to you.

Once your intention is reached

once your intention is reached you can throw your tear your paper up and throw it away or shred it. It’s up to you.

an example of my Intention Jar

I have a small skincare jar that I’m using for as my intention jar. I added my intentions and placed it where I would see it.

intention jar small filed with paper.
intention jar small filed with paper.

Alternative jar or container options

If you don’t want to created an intention jar you can name it what you like.

a gratitude jar

You can follow the same steps in terms of using a container of your choice. You can write down what your are grateful for over the course of a week. Then read the notes at the end of the week.

A Blessings Jar

Similar to a gratitude jar you can count your blessings.

A wish jar

Similar to an intention jar you can have a wish jar. You can write your wishes down and add them to your jar.

Do you think this would be a DIY for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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