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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:48 pm
I shared about ATOPALM INTENSIVE MOISTURIZING CREAM a few weeks back. I was selected to review a free product on behalf of 08L USA. I’d used Atopalm products in the past and liked them. I couldn’t wait to try this moisturizing cream.
I used the product for a while then stopped because I didn’t feel i needed to use it do to the summer heat. Well I used a fair amount of it and found it to be hydrating.
You can view my original video review below.
what i liked
I found that the cream was thick yet it absorbed well into the skin. Since this product can be used on the face and body it’s a win win. I liked that it didn’t leave my skin or hands feeling greasy. It also didn’t feel like I had a layer on my skin either. It works well on a damp face or a light spritzed face. It also works on dry skin.
I noticed it worked well on my dry skin. Especially my dry heel and elbows. On my face it worked well. I didn’t have any adverse reactions or breakouts.
I loved that the cream came with a spatula. It helped cut down on any contamination from sticking my fingers in the jar.
Even though the cream is a bit thick it absorbs well into the skin. I felt it held in the moisture and didn’t leave my face feeling sticky even in warmer weather.
What i didn’t like
When I originally opened the cream jar it looked as if it was full. Yet over time, I noticed the product settled. This may have just been due to shipping and the cream may have shifted. Either way, it seemed to be a decent amount of product in the jar.
Final thoughts
I would probably purchase this product since I was able to test a full size sample. I liked that it did a good job at keeping my skin hydrated and moisturized.
A have a little of the Atopalm Intensive Moisturizing Cream left. Overall the product did what it claimed it would. Results may vary.
Thanks to 08L USA for the reviewing and testing opportunity.
Atopalm Intensive Moisturizing Cream retails for $25.20 via Amazon. Price may vary.
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