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Apps: Where do you start?

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:22 pm

I think we’ve all heard the term “There’s an app for everything.” Which in this day and age is true. I also think we have been bombarded by apps as well. They are now available for games, chatting, dating, social media to more important things such as banking and investments. I for one have no idea how to even develop an app.

I do know you must have a clear plan or at least an idea of what your appΒ will be used for. Along with this, you should also ask yourself if your app has a purpose in a sense as well. We have all spent endless hours poking at our phones hoping to level up on a game or advance in some way or another. Then again some apps teach us things as well. While others help us save money too.Β Personally, if I was going to create an app I’d try to do my homework. I’d outline what the pros and cons were along with what my niche would be. At least that would give you some idea of what you are up against. I think I’d also try to gaugeΒ my base market too.

Questions to ask yourself

Here’s a list of questions I thought might be helpful when creating an app idea plan

  1. What’s my niche?
  2. What’s the app’s purpose?
  3. Will it be free or a paid app?
  4. Will it be IOS or Android-based to start?

The list can go on from there depending on your answers.

I can say that if I was in the market to create an app it would be Android based. That is the technology I’m familiar with. Android App Development is gaining in popularity and I for one am glad about that. For many years it felt like we Android users were left by the wayside waiting forever for an app to be developed.

One thing that is certain is that you need to have an estimate of how much an app will cost in terms of development. I would think depending on the app the costs vary greatly. But the main thing is as long as you have a plan you can see it through.Β Android App Development maybe something you’d like to look into. Even if you are just considering the idea of creating an app. It gives you a place to start and research your options.

We all have great ideas why not put them into action.

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