Life with Pal birthday banner. It's our birthday with life with pal logo sourrounded by balloons and confetti. created using canva.

It’s our 2nd birthday

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 10:58 am

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Today marks Life with Pal’s second Birthday.

We’ve had a lot going on in the last year.

2022 was productive

2022 was a productive one. We were able to grow our email list and we even set up a few social media profiles dedicated to Life with Pal posts.

We also grew our Youtube channel quite a bit.

I was able to share some great products with you as well as popular scams.

We added some new friends

We added some new friends to our cat family. We welcomed Jack and his sister Willie.

We also added two more friends this year too. We’ve added Jack and Willie’s little brother and sister Leo and Cleo.

We lost friends in 2022

We lost two cats in 2022. Bowie passed due to liver disease. My nosy Winnie disappeared the same week.

I’m still holding out hope that Winnie is alive somewhere. if she is hopefully she has a family that loves and cares for her.

The biggest thing of 2023 for me

The biggest thing in 2023 for me is that I was featured in a post over at Rustoleum Creator’s community. That was exciting for me.

I was featured via the Rustoleum Creator Community

It’s nice to be featured even if it’s for a community post.

Hopefully, this will be the start of more features in the future.

Thanks for stopping by

Thanks for stopping by. Even if you visit us via social media that’s great. Thanks for visiting and sharing our content.

I’d also like to thank those folks who joined our Pal’s mailing list over the past few months.

I’m hoping to share more content with you over the next year.

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