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I was added to a random group chat on Instagram

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:39 am

Header image source Unsplash

I saw an interesting and a bit alarming thing when opening Instagram. I found that some stranger had created a random group chat and added me.

Did I know who this person was? No, I didn’t.

Random group chat

I saw I had a notice about a message. I checked my DM’s and saw I had been added to a random group chat.

I checked on the name of the person who had created the chat. The profile appeared to be an artist. They weren’t anyone I follow and their account was private. Their bio stated something about their account being locked or something like that.

random group chat created by a stranger including various profiles.
random group chat created by a stranger including various profiles.

The odd thing is that the chat had been started at 2:20 pm PST but nothing had been shared or even commented.

After I read the group chat creator’s bio I promptly returned to the chat and removed myself.

Is this a possible scam or hacking attempt?

I don’t know but it could be anything really. Being that its social media you can never be too safe. What caught my eye was when I saw an astrology profile added to the group chat. I think this must have been a fake account or a bot-curated account

I’m still not sure what the purpose of the group chat was. But I saw another person who was added to the chat had left before I did.

why am i sharing this

I’m sharing this to let you all know that this may become a trend. Most group chats can be informative and fun. But when you are added to strangers’ chats it’s a bit unsettling.

All you can do is be cautious and remove yourself from the chat or even block the profile that started the chat.

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