The Signs as Reminders/Important Things

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 05:38 pm

Aries: Don’t take yourself seriously, you are a piece of dust floating in the vast empty expanse of space.
Taurus: Don’t take other people too seriously; no matter who they are; be they a celebrity, the most accomplished person you know, a sibling you’ve had a long-standing rivalry with – It doesn’t matter; they too are a piece of space dust.
Gemini: You know what? It’s nice to be nice. You never really regret being nice to someone. Plus we evolved from another species of space dust called monkeys, who really like to copy each other, and guess what? So do we. When we see a person being nice to another person (or animal, or plant, or any form of perceivable space dust really), we will likely do the same.
Cancer: Be patient. Not all pieces of space dust have had positive examples set for them by other pieces of space dust. We all express and communicate emotions differently and all need to be dealt with in different ways. We don’t always know how deal with everyone else, but one thing that tends to work best is to be patient.
Leo: We are terrible at communicating. We have created technology and languages to try to help us with the communication of ideas and emotions, but neither technology nor language is very good at helping us. Again, it comes down to patience. We have no logically perfect language, no way of properly expressing ourselves, which can be maddening to many. When it comes right down to it, we are all trying our best given the circumstances.
Virgo: One great thing about human art is that it takes so many forms: painting, poetry, sculpture, writing, dance, the arrangement of flowers in a bouquet, photography, cooking, music, and the list goes on. If your usual form of communication isn’t working for you, whether it be language or technology that is failing you (whether it be language or electronic communication), try reaching people through art. Write someone a haiku, draw something on a napkin, make someone a meal, play a song, pick people some wildflowers.
Libra: Attention is something we all crave internally; again we are descendants of monkeys, making us pretty social bits of space dust. Remembering that everyone wants attention is crucial when trying to understand some people’s behavior. There are different types of attention, broken down simply into: bad attention and good attention. Certain people have not had positive role models in their lives, or people who would only pay attention to them when they did something outlandish, leading people to form a positive connotation between the outlandish behaviors and being on the receiving end of attention. Try to be patient with everyone.
Sagittarius: Don’t forget that the world is, if you think about it, a pretty horrible place. Humanity is extremely flawed in its overall design. People do horrible things to each other, to animals, to plants and to the planet they live on. Thinking about this for long periods of time can cause people to become overwhelmed and depressed. Instead, why not try being glad? If you think that world is an inherently horrible place then everything nice that goes on is merely a bonus, a diamond in the rough if you will. This will make you enjoy the small nice things in your existence a great deal more. You were lucky enough to see a small child smile at you in the department store today, you saw a deer wandering your local cemetery, you got your tax returns today and got to buy the box of tea you’ve wanted for a month. The moth sitting in your closet, though it may be eating your clothes, is still very beautiful is you look at it closely – intricate patterns detailed on its delicate wings.
Scorpio: Try making the conscious effort to be happy. This is not easy for everyone, some people are predisposed to being sad based on a neurochemical imbalance, which is completely unfair, but by making very deliberate actions in your life to make yourself happy, you will notice a big difference. Try reading children’s picture books, listening to music you love, eating small tasty treats, spending alone time in nature, imagining best-case scenarios, picking flowers, doing something nice for someone else, creating something, spending time to re-read a book you love.
Capricorn: Beauty is another thing humans love and avidly search out in their lives. Unfortunately certain people believe this is a very shallow pursuit – which it is most definitely not! Look for beauty in the things you would normally consider mundane! Study a single flower, gaze at a spider’s dew covered web, relish the sight of a sunset, stare into someone’s eyes, look up into the night sky! Breathe in the familiar scent of your mother’s laundry detergent, the smell of a freshly cut lawn in summer, of thanksgiving pumpkin pie, of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day, of an old book slowly decomposing! Beauty is all around you, look closely!
Aquarius: Something we should do more often is contemplate our existence and remember how tiny and insignificant everything and everyone is in compared to the vastness of our universe. Start sticking your tongue out at things that are important or respected. Have a carpe diem moment. Listen to music loudly, dress in bizarre clothes – a generation or two from now no one will remember! As long as you don’t disturb other people’s way of life, try to improve your own! Listen to other people’s opinions even if you don’t agree, try listening to music you don’t like to figure out why, spend time with people you wouldn’t normally spend time with, teach yourself something new! Learn about outer space or philosophy or literature or art!
Pisces: Be mature (the definition of maturity is doing whatever you want, whenever you want, even if your parents think it’s a good idea) but also be childish! Scribble on pieces of paper, imagine things, cry, scream, have big big emotions!

Basically; do what makes you happy, but doesn’t make those around you unhappy. Search out beauty. Be patient with people. Create art. Listen to what people have to say. Try communicating ideas. Spend time doing things that make you happy. Imagine things. Contemplate your existence. Learn things! Give yourself attention and give it to others (in a positive way). Don’t forget we are all pieces of dust in a massive universe that isn’t slowing down for us.

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