a dog and a cat laying in the grass Photo by Andrew S. Photo source unsplash.

4th of July pet safety tips

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Header image source Unsplash

It’s 4th of July week and that means fireworks. This also means that many pets run away during this time.

I thought I’d share a few tips that may help keep your pet safe during this time.

Make sure contact info is up to date

If your pet is microchipped make sure your contact info is up to date. Also, create their profile so they have updated photos and any medical information.

You’d be surprised at how many lost pet notices I’m sent via Home Again that don’t include any important info about the pets aside from their age, address, and weight.

It’s important to include a picture of your pet even if it’s a cat. Because at least people have something to go off of when they see lost or scared pets.

if your dog has a tag make sure it’s attached firmly to their collar.

If your pet doesn’t have a tag

if your pet wears a collar but doesn’t have a tag you can write your phone number on their collar with a marker if possible.

Another thing I’ve seen is using painter’s tape and write your phone number on it and stick it to the collar.

Make sure your pets are in a safe place

If you know your dog gets antsy with fireworks maybe make sure they feel safe. You can bring them inside and turn on the TV. I would suggest something calming for them.

If you can’t keep them indoors make sure that your gate is secure.

Other tips to calm them

There are products sold to help keep pets calm too. You may want to ask your vet prior to using a calming drop or powder.

But they also sell compression vests for dogs that help calm them.

If you have a cat

Cats get startled by fireworks too. so the tips above can be used as well. I try to sit with my cats and watch TV.

Ziggy gets very freaked out by fireworks so he requires a cuddle.

Try catnip tea

I’ve heard cat nip tea may calm your cat.

It’s easy to make.

What you’ll need

  • pot or cup
  • water
  • catnip (dry or fresh)
  • a bowl or dish
  • cooler water or ice

When I made some recently I used a cup of water and a teaspoon of cat nip.

I would suggest using pet safe bowl as well as a non-reactive bowl. So glass or ceramic.

All you do is boil your water on the stove or microwave. You can add your catnip to your bowl. Once the water is ready add it to the cat nip. For quicker cooling, you can add ice.

Make sure the tea is completely cooled before giving some of it to your cat. To avoid waste give them a small amount first to see if they like it.

My cats weren’t sure what to think of it. But my neighbor’s cat Slash loved it he was trying to roll around in the tea.

I found a recipe via Wikihow as well.

Remember if fireworks scare you they probably sound 10 times worse to your pet. So let’s try to keep them safe.

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