3-way Cat Tunnel

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:56 pm

Update 6/10/2020: I reviewed this item in 2016. The link that was originally listed is no longer working so I’ll add a few products from Amazon below.

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 Being that I have three cats we are always looking for way to keep them active. Anyone who had a cat knows that any type of activity during the day beats having your cat sleep all day and then run around all night. So as you can see the tunnel is very compact. It arrived collapsed.

the tunnel is made out of nylon with a flexible frame.

So this is what it looks like when it’s open. As you can see it’s had 3 decent sized tunnels and a open space in the middle.  So I left it out for my cats ti investigate. My cats are a little picky so they sort of looked at it and tried to figure out what it was

The tunnel size is wide enough for a medium size cat. 

We were able to entice Sophie to try it by adding a few of her toys into it. Sorry the picturr came out blurry but she hates taking pictures.

I managed to put my older larger cat Pal inside of the tunnel he just laid there and was like Okay now what. he fit but seemed less then impressed by his new toy.

Now my smallest cat Jake is interested in the tunnel but he’s weary of it. He smelled it and looked at it. I put him in it and he ran out. He’s afraid of the nylon I think. But once he gets used to it he may play in it. 

Like with all pet toys or accessories this is a work in progress. I think this would be great for anyone who has kittens or younger cats. All in all it’s a great product. It collapse it you just fold it into itself and tie off the ends with the extra nylon strips. It does take time to collapse it correctly (well it too me time anyway) 

so if you’d like more information about this pet product please visit the link below

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