October 6, 2020

Canvas community header from Citi.

Join Citi Canvas community

If your a Citi customer you can join the Citi Canvas community. I’ve been a member for a few months now. So far it’s been surveys but they may have other user experience projects in the future. It’s free to join. The requriments are that you are a Citi customer be it banking or creditcard users. You will need to […]

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Today is one of those days….

Today is one of those days that I can get things done if i have a variedΒ  music style. I’ve always had a unique musical style i suppose but today i can get my afternoon tasks done with the help of Pearl Jam and Nine Inch Nails with a little Wallflowers and Franz Ferdinand thrown in. I know what an

Today is one of those days…. Continue reading

Goodbye Blemishes. Derma-E Anti-Blemish toner.

Derma E Anti Blemish toner (video)

Note 10/6/2020: Since I’d originally created this video the toner bottle fell and broke. I can say I was thankful to Derma-E for this gifted product. I found it useful for the short time I was able to test it. Intro: 0:00 price: 3:12 $13.95 USD I was gifted this product along with another from Derma-E recently. The full name

Derma E Anti Blemish toner (video) Continue reading

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