September 13, 2019

zicam product box

Zicam Cold Remedy Lozenges

a video sharing my experience using ZICAM Cold Remedy Lozenges. They are easy to use and can be taken when you feel a cold coming on. It can also help soothe a sore throat or a cough. User results may vary. I was sent a free sample product on behalf of Try It Sampling Community and Zicam for reviewing purposes. […]

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Alacris tooth paste`

Alacris Premium toothpaste: A unique brushing experience

Its been a while since I updated you all on ALACRIS Premium Natural Toothpaste. I’ve finally finished my second tube which was Garden Tea Party. I originally shared about these products last year. I was able to purchase these products from 08 Liter at a trial fee of $3.99 for two tubes. I was curious to see how they differed

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5 stars with hand sliding across screen

Product Review Request: It’s full of surprises

Header image source Pixabay As many of you may have figured out by now I’m a product tester and reviewer. That being said its been an interesting journey. What makes it interesting is that I’m contacted by various sellers sometimes on a daily. I’ve had some rather unique requests in the past I thought Id share. Most were very basic

Product Review Request: It’s full of surprises Continue reading

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