September 4, 2019

fraud alert

U N Treasury Scam

U N Treasury Scam thumbnail image photo source pixabay I had a long-running scam email today. This one claims to be from the United Nation Treasury Department. It claimed I won a lottery draw in the amount of $5.5 million dollars (US) from Arizona Bank And Trust Let’s start off by saying that Arizona Bank And Trust is a

U N Treasury Scam Continue reading


Product tester vlog

a post sharing my insight about product testing and reviewing. There are many names for what niche but it’s still pretty close to being the same thing. Product testing or reviewing can be hard work. yes, you are rewarded by sharing your thoughts or opinions on a product but it’s not always so fun. Feel free to share your thoughts

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Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts Firms Initiate Secondary Recall in Response to the Expansion of Reser’s Fine Foods Recall

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts Firms Initiate Secondary Recall in Response to the Expansion of Reser’s Fine Foods Recall

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts Firms Initiate Secondary Recall in Response to the Expansion of Reser’s Fine Foods Recall Continue reading

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