April 3, 2019

Direct hsip product

Mystery Cables Update

Yesterday I posted this via Instagram Thanks to the person who confirmed my idea that these were definitely Apple charging cables. That being determined I tried to hunt down a type or at least a similar brand. Granted as I stated in the video they didn’t have a brand label on them nor did they have other ID. I tried

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When Social Media Crashes vlog

intro image provided by Pexels https://www.pexels.com/ Gif used provided by Giphy https://media.giphy.com/media/HUkOv6B… A vlog post sharing about what happens when social media crashes. On March 13th, 2019 Facebook and Instagram had issues for a majority of the day. Many people couldn’t post or share content. This, in turn, made me realize how obsessed we are with social media to some

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