April 16, 2017

http://makeuptips-blog.com @Regrann from @makeuptipsblog – Want to know how you can create a simple, soft and polished makeup look in 5 minutes? There’s a new video and blog post up on my website (link in bio) showing you how to give yourself a polished, natural every day makeup look that is great for work, school, and days when you don’t

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@Regrann from @mrcoffee – Nothing says blooming flowers and calming flavors quite like these bright, herbal, and earthy teas. Check out our blog for spring teas you should have in your pantry. Click link in our bio to read: http://bit.ly/2ocKD8i

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Advice For The Moon Signs

zodiacsociety: luna-astrology: *Use Moon* Aries Moon: Slow down. what or who are you running from? Whatever it is will find a way to catch up to you, face it now and save yourself the trouble. Taurus Moon: Stop letting your past define your present. You say that you don’t want yourself to be the person who wronged you, but yet

Advice For The Moon Signs Continue reading


zodiacsociety: cutestrology: Aries words are very rushed and quick. They are honest, blunt, and straight to the point. Taurus words are slow and well thought out. They think about what they are saying before they say it, and their words are very deliberate. Gemini words are quick and witty. They are personal and friendly, and their words definitely reflect that.

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