Olive a gray tabby with white feet. Sam a white ith gray spots cat.

For the Love of Olive and Sam

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Last updated on July 8th, 2024 at 02:30 pm

Today was a tough day. I had to say goodbye to two of our cats.

Olive and Sam both went to Kitty Heaven today. I know it was for the best since they both had health problems this year. But then again it’s hard to let them go.


Olive a gray tabby with white feet.
Olive is a gray tabby with white feet.

Olive was only 10 months old. She was nearly a month old when she came to live with us.

She was very sweet and playful as well as nosy.

Olive has had colds in the past. Well in April we had her tested to see what type of cold she had. She had Feline Herpes and Feline Calicivirus (source VCA animal hospitals).

She was given a course of antibiotics and I was told to monitor her symptoms. Like with previous flare-ups, she was okay for a while then was sick again.

On May 17 I noticed she wasn’t doing well again. She was a lot worse over the weekend. She was having issues breathing due to congestion and mucus buildup. I think she probably had inflammation as well.

My vet’s office was booked until Today. I called a few other offices but she couldn’t be right away. I figured that even if I had taken her to an emergency vet office I probably would have had to wait in the car with her until we could be seen.

So we just waited it out. She did get a bit better and started drinking and eating again.

Today when I took her in to see the vet I knew it was going to be a hard day. I had already talked it over with Olive and my mom. If we were going to have to place her on long-term treatments it would be best to just let her go to Kitty Heaven.

This was in fact the case. My vet stated that she could take a new treatment but it could be up to an 8-week course. I didn’t think that would be a good idea. Especially if she ends up having another flare-up that’s worse.

I know we gave her the best 10 months of her life because she had love and was with her siblings and cousins.

But again as a pet owner, it’s hard to see the suffering it was for the best.

At least she didn’t go alone she went with Sam.


Sam facing upward. Sam is a white and dark gray kitten.
Sam facing upward. Sam is a white and dark gray kitten.

We took Sam, Teddy, and Dylan in May of 2021. They were nearly a month old.

He was sweet and adventurous in his way.

He turned 3 years old last month. He’s had some dental issues as well as health issues this year.

Today he was scheduled for a dental extraction. He had been diagnosed with Gingivitis and Stomatitis (source VCA animal hospitals.) It caused some lymph node swelling last year and earlier this year.

He was doing okay until earlier this month. They took his pre-surgical blood panel about 2 weeks ago and saw that he had some clots in his blood sample. It seemed to have happened again today. The vet that was going to perform his extraction let me know about that.

She also told me that they were going to take out half his teeth and then let him wait for 3 months or so only to come back and remove the other half.

Dental extractions are common at times but I figured that would be too much of an expense as well as I don’t know how well he would have taken to having half his teeth.

After the vet told me about his clotting issue again I knew it was time to let him go.

So he went to Kitty Heaven with Olive. They were even nice enough to bring him into the exam room and let them pass together.

It’s hard to let him go but like with Olive it was the right thing to do.

I’ve learned that as much as we love our pets we need to know when it’s time to let them go. I know they were considered young but I didn’t want them to suffer.

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