Betabound welcome screen

Join betaBound for possible Product testing opportunities

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:56 pm

I’ve been a member of Betabound for a few years now. They are a great community. They offer a variety of testing platforms. I’ve tested a few different software products for them. You can earn gift card payments for your participateion.

You may also have extended testing opportunities from other sites Betabound partners with. When you join a partner group you are asked to join that community for the duration of the testing.

They have a variety of testing offers from software tests to even physical products to test. You will need to read all of the rules and take a pre-selection survey. But if you a good fit for a product you will be notified.

I’ve enjoyed the program so far.

You can join by clicking the link below and add my referral code during your registration

Striking falcon

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